who WE are


INSPIRE is a Dallas-based outreach organization that provides support, inspiration, and activities to those with disabilities and their families. We believe that individuals are defined by their character and capabilities, not their limitations. By connecting the community with those with special needs, we foster growth, development and lasting relationships.
Get INSPIREd with us today.


 I   –  Individuals
N   –  Needing
S   –  Special
P   –  People
 I   –  Initiating
R   – Responsibility for
E   –  Empowerment



  • Family Activities
  • Community Outreach
  • Volunteering
  • Skills-based Social Learning 
  • Sporting Events
  • Special Olympics
  • Presentations


  • People First
  • Equity
  • Equality
  • Community
  • Self-determination  
  • Diversity
  • Advocacy

Our story

INSPIRE was born of a need to connect those with special needs to community resources and create meaningful relationships that benefited all involved.
In 2015, when Jesse graduated high school, we quickly realized it was difficult for families of those with special needs to access the same activities and enrichment available through public schools. We began to seek out resources and groups that would continue to help with development of skills, provide a sense of belonging and eliminate barriers. In this search, we connected with Special Olympics Texas (SOTX) and an incredible relationship was born.
As we continued to discover incredible organizations like SOTX and build relationships across the community that provided so much to Jesse, we noticed many other families asking us who to turn to and where to go. We quickly realized that by coming together to share our knowledge and commitment to empowering those with special needs to lead productive lives full of support from those around them, we could touch many more lives.
And so now, we INSPIRE others to do the same.

Proven Success


Through Special Olympics Texas programming, INSPIRE Dallas provides special needs individuals the ability to showcase their athletic abilities to their peers, their
communities and the world. In braving their attempts, they gain new experiences and become confident and empowered by their accomplishments. As a result, they
create lifelong bonds with fellow athletes, volunteers and people in their communities.



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